Monday, May 27, 2019

How to Forget to Crave Junk Food

By    Expert Author William T Batten

Here's a nice side effect for you. Imagine you're reorganising your thoughts from the ground up. You are releasing old emotions and scars from your childhood. You're calmer, more focused and less rattled by nonsense. Energy - real energy, not caffeine adrenaline shakes - fills your entire body.
Nothing feels the same. Even boring, familiar things like queuing seem so much more interesting.
After a few days of enjoying this, you notice something intriguing:
Your cravings are gone. Or at least so small you can easily ignore them.
Whatever you vice - whether it's food, booze, smokes or whatever - it's less appealing. You're so focused on your new mental reality you barely noticed.
People would pay hundreds of thousands of dollars for that. You can stumble upon it as a free bonus.
This doesn't happen to everyone, it's true. But, if you meditate well enough... well, I like your odds.
Mindfulness is a key skill but you need to go beyond it. The best meditators incorporate mindfulness into every moment. But, unlike what others will tell you, there's more to meditation than observing your breath.
When you work with your mind - and I mean really work with it - useless thoughts fall away and you become more you.
Imagine everything you could be without everything holding you back.
Then imagine you became that while on the road to something greater.
It's not all unicorns and fairy floss, though. When it comes to your mind, nothing ever truly goes away. Some meditators replace one addiction with another. Many a brave soul has fallen off the path when they start craving sex, drugs and rock 'n' roll.
Others have fallen into a deep funk. Addictions reward the brain with dopamine and more. Change suppliers and it can throw you into a spin.
Or you can do the smart thing. If you're going to dismantle and reconstruct addictions, you might as well do it right.
I used to have "meditate" written on my to-do list. I don't need that anymore - I crave meditative trances something fierce. If I don't get a hit morning, lunch and night, it really throws me off.
Have I replaced one addiction with another?
Hell yeah I have. This has two advantages over typical cravings though:
Firstly, meditation is crazy good for you.
Secondly, this too shall pass. This is a familiar sight on my journey into my mind. The place beyond meditation addiction is a mind so rich and sharp you literally can't imagine it.
Think of it as growing pains. Or your mind's way of keeping you on track.
It raises one question, though...
How do you make sure you get the right cravings? How do you avoid your mood collapsing or your cravings exploding?
The answers lie in a different sort of meditation guide.
You could go in blind...
Or you could guide your mind even as it expands.
Your choice, padawan:

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Are ghosts/spirits really real?

Best Answer:  I was one of those people who never believed in them. Or at least thought that only the good, peaceful ones drifted between the heavens and earth and we never really saw them and if we felt them, it was calmness that came with it. BUT, I had an experience 3 years ago in a sub-basement apartment that told me there were disturbed, sad or bad spirits that exist too. I thought it was the state of mind I was in (a little low and confused at that time) that brought this on. But my neighbor who shared a wall with me had the same experience too. Later thinking about it, it did not scare me or anything, I put it down to experience and I also hope nothing like that ever comes to me again.
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Overcoming Loneliness

By     Expert Author Grace Gail McMullen

A child watches as a mother cuddles her daughter in their play together. A teenage girl walks alone past a group of peers as they laugh and talk together. A young man lays aside his values to become part of a crowd. A single mom flips the pages of a magazine as she watches couples strolling through the park. An elderly man picks a daisy and ponders the hole left in his heart by the loss of his dear wife. Loneliness is a world-wide epidemic.
There is loneliness and then there is pathological loneliness. We all experience loneliness at times throughout our lives when there is a loss of a loved one, loss of a relationship, or your child moves away to start his own life. But pathological loneliness is like a bottomless pit. Once the emptiness takes hold it seems almost impossible to fill up with love. Like a leaky cup losing water; the hole in the sufferer's heart never seems to heal. No matter how many people reach out to help, love-hunger continues to gnaw away at the person whenever he or she is alone. This kind of emptiness is most often caused from deep emotional wounds which have been inflicted in childhood.
When children do not receive sufficient affection and affirmation they find themselves lacking in self-esteem, confidence, and purpose as they grow. They often flounder in their social skills, education, and mental stability. They have difficulty receiving God's love and question His care for them. All of which leaves them wanting and lonely.
Although for these individuals, a deep intimate relationship with the Creator of the Universe seems impossible, the best means of healing a lonely heart is developing a close relationship with your Heavenly Father. He knows how to fill all the cracks and crevices where loneliness lurks. He promises He will never leave you or abandon you. Christian counseling may also be a necessity to get to the root causes and bring about mental and emotional healing.
There is much you can do to help yourself move out of your isolation and build new friendships that can be both stimulating and fulfilling.
Here are some ways to overcome loneliness:
• Recognize what it is that causes your lonely feelings.
• Identify the effects that loneliness has on your life, both physically and mentally.
• Make a list of potential adjustments that can be brought about in yourself and your activities to allow more social interaction.
• Seek out individuals who share similar attitudes, interests, and values with you.
• Develop new friendships by joining small groups such as a Bible Study, book club or walking group.
• Volunteer to sit on a committee or look for options to serve in your community. These opportunities are both rewarding and beneficial to your emotional health as you meet people and cultivate new friendships and social interactions.
• Learn to see yourself as God sees you. You were created with unique gifts, talents and personality traits which will be a blessing others.
Loneliness can be overcome; however you will need to make a conscious effort on your part to make a change in your daily routines. Making the effort to alter the way you see social activities, friendships and yourself can eventually make you happier and healthier. You will surprise yourself in how you positively impact others around you.

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Pilates For Starters

Expert Author Richa Kohliby  

Losing weight is a tough task but if you wish to reduce inches from a particular part of the body, it gets tougher. It is disheartening and disappointing when even after spending loads of money and hours in the gym, you just cannot get into your favorite dress because of your protruding tummy.
What you don't know is that your goal to fitness and beauty can be achieved without even going to the gym, or spending a lot of money on anything else, if you choose your workout right. That right choice can very well be Pilates if you are looking for strong and toned core muscles.
The best exercises for a slim waistline through Pilates are:
1. THE MERMAID - Rest on your left hip in a seated position, legs folded together to the left
· Place your left hand on the right ankle and raise your right arm straight up in the air
· Reach out towards the ceiling as far as possible and then to the left
· Relax and repeat it 10 times for both sides.
2. CURLS - Lie down on your back with the knees bent and feet flat on the floor, arms at the sides
· Exhale and curl your chin to your chest with shoulders totally off the mat
· Hold the position for 10 seconds and relax
· Repeat it 10 times
3. PILATES 100 - Lie down flat on your back with your knees bent. Lift your feet off the floor to the table-top position (knees stacked above the hips and bent to 90 degrees)
· Point your toes, squeeze the heels and extend your legs straight up to about 45°
· Raise your head, neck, shoulders and upper back off the mat
· Pump arms up and down while breathing in (5 times) and out (5 times) through the mouth
· Perform 10 sets
4. ROLLING UP - Lie down flat on your back with your arms extended towards the ceiling.
· Exhale, curl chin to chest and roll up to sitting position with arms reaching towards the feet
· Hold the position for 5 seconds
· Inhale, relax and return to starting position
· Repeat 10 times
5. ROLL LIKE A BALL - Bring your knees to the chest, and wrap arms around the legs
· Rock forward until your tailbone touches the floor, and your feet are about few inches above the floor
· Inhale while rolling back to the shoulder blades and exhale while rolling forward, maintaining a balance near the starting position
· Repeat 10 times
6. SINGLE LEG STRETCH - Lie on your back with legs raised to 45°
· Exhale and raise the head, upper back, shoulder and neck above the mat
· Bend your right knee towards the chest with your left hand on the ankle and your right hand on the knee
· Switch legs while exhaling
· Do 20 repetitions
These are few of the best exercises to start with if you have chosen Pilates to get a strong and toned core. However, if at any point, any pain or dysfunction in your body limits you from performing the exercises, you can consult your online physical therapy expert to get back on track in no time. Register today at

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Facts About Flatulence

By    Expert Author Amy Otis

Many people think that if their digestive system is normal they won't have any gas unless they eat a particular food like beans. The fact is that normal people on a normal diet expel nearly a quart of intestinal gas a day. Most of us aren't aware of this. It's when we become aware of the gas and it becomes uncomfortable and embarrassing.
Gas is formed when certain foods reach the large intestine without being completely and adequately digested. Once they arrive there bacteria go to work to digest them and in the process produce gas. This is a normal occurrence and in most cases intestinal gas is not a sign of an illness or disease. Today we eat more high fiber foods than our grandparents. Fruits and vegetables can be a source of intestinal gas, especially in people not used to eating a lot of them, or in the case of fructose intolerance.
The major cause of occasional excess gas is gas-producing foods. Most people are aware that beans are a major suspect, but there are other foods that will put you are risk including: apricots, brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, eggplant, onions, and mangoes.
Obviously, the first step in reducing flatulence is to avoid the foods that cause this problem for you. Keep in mind that people react differently to different foods.
Some people have found that corn, oats and any wheat-containing product give them gas. (I talk about food allergies in another article).
Many people are unaware that dairy products are causing their gas. In fact lactose intolerance is probably the major cause of bloating and excessive gas. It seem this author that complete avoidance of dairy products is the smartest solution.
There is a simple home test for lactose intolerance. Avoid ALL dairy and cheese products for ten days to see if your symptoms are alleviated. Then have some, if the gas and bloating returns you have your answer and you didn't have to pay for any expensive blood tests. Acidophilus is often helpful for many people. The best acidophilus is the kind that needs to be refrigerated, so don't fall for those cheap pills they sell in the chain drug stores.
Don't fret there are cheddar cheeses that are lactose free. They are usually aged for two or more years. These hard cheeses should say lactose free on the label. I think the lactase-the sugar found in milk-is the culprit is broken down over time to become lactic acid.
If you are a person who swallows a lot of air you most likely are a person who also chews gum or a smoker. In addition, drinking carbonated beverages will add excess air into your system and thus promoting flatulence.
If you have chronic gas it is possible that you are suffering from something other than a simple case of flatulence. Check out articles on the following conditions: Celiac Disease, Diverticulitis and Irritable Bowel Syndrome.
Avoid activated charcoal tablets for several reasons. While activated charcoal tablets are effective for absorbing gas, they do however interfere with the absorption of any medication taken within two to three hours. This includes any prescription medications like the birth control pill, hormones, antibiotics and vitamin supplements. Those medications need to be effective.
Amy Otis, RN is the founder of several health-related web sites. She currently owns and writes for and Stop by you might just learn something.

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​Love And Gratitude Quotes

In the end, though, maybe we must all give up trying to pay back the people in this world who sustain our lives. In the end, maybe it's wiser to surrender before the miraculous scope of human generosity and to just keep saying thank you, forever and sincerely, for as long as we have voices.

Elizabeth Gilbert  

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Raising Your Thought Vibration


Measuring Thought Vibration is a method new-age folk use to determine whether a thought you are thinking is empowering or disempowering. If you practice thinking thoughts that have a higher vibration, you tend to get more of what you want in life – and you feel better about yourself too.  


All Coincidences Have Meaning Nothing Happens by Chance

Have you ever experienced a coincidence so incredible that it left you stunned? If so, then you have just taken a step into the fantastic world of Synchronicity.

What happens in most people’s lives is beyond their control, think about it. No matter how carefully you design your life; you cannot know how that design will be affected by a single random event. One small detail can and will change everything.

The most carefully planned project can be ruined by a single chance event, but a seemingly ridiculous idea could be a massive success due to chance! Your decisions are based on logic. But no matter how clever you are, it is not enough.

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What does the angel number 444 mean?

When you repeatedly see the angel number 444 appear, it means your guardian angel is trying to send you a message. You may be standing at a turning point in your life. You may have a project you want to bring to completion. The angel number 444 appears when your Guardian Angel wants to tell you he wants to contribute to your success. The path to follow in order to reach your goal lies behind the message he is sending you through this number.