Sunday, January 12, 2020

12 Local Foods That Amazingly Boost Metabolism

By                  Expert Author Esbon Mwema

Metabolism is the chemical processes in the body that involves the break down of food substances into useful nutrients for the build up and repair of body cells and organs and their proper functioning. Apart from water which is known universally to be one of the essential components for excellent body functions, there are other foods good for boosting your metabolism.
1. Legumes
Legumes such as beans, peas and lentils contain proteins which takes longer to digest hence increasing the rate of metabolism. They are rich in fiber too, which helps in efficient digestion and absorption of nutrients into the body.
2. Nuts
Nuts are suitable antioxidants and thus help in bringing down sugar and fat levels in the body. They are rich in energy which keeps the body fueled up without eating much, and this leads to weight loss.
3. Berries
These are good in bringing down the much-loathed belly fat by burning huge calories and at the same time maintaining high energy levels. Berries are also known to be useful in fighting diabetes.
4. Citrus
Anybody can attest to the fact that fruits and especially citrus ones are fantastic for losing excessive weight. They are useful in digestion too and boosts the body metabolism to great lengths.
5. Seafood
Fish is very rich in omega-3 which is essential in the body for increasing metabolism and burning calories which is a suitable weight management mechanism.
6. Spinach
Spinach is one green vegetable known for its richness in iron which in turn boosts the amount of oxygen intake to body tissues through the blood.
7. Avocado
Avocado is rich in omega-3 and contains essential fats that increase the rate of metabolism in the body and keeping the body weight in check by lowering excessive sugars.
8. Spices
Although spices are not everyone's darling, there are very good for burning calories and also aids in digestion thus boosting metabolism.
9. Chocolate
Chocolate is good in adding up energy levels and lowering the intake of unnecessary fats and sugars. It helps to reduce the body weight and increase metabolism.
10. Coconut Oil
Coconut oil unbelievably helps to lower unnecessary fats because it contains fatty acids which limit the accumulation of lipids and boosting the rate of metabolism in the body.
11. Vegetable Soup
Among the numerous benefits of veggie soup is the ability to aid the body in digestion and uptake of nutrients and boosting metabolism.
12. Green Tea
Green tea is useful in breaking down the excess glucose stored up in the body. It lowers calories and boosts metabolism too.
High metabolism is vital for everyone at every stage of life for a proper and perfect body functioning.

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This WILL Prevent 95% Of All Diseases

By        Expert Author Alicia Diane       

When it comes to nutrition, what is the first thing that usually comes to mind?
Most people would say VITAMINS!
But in short, that isn't even the half of it.
See, there is much more to health and nutrition than what is presented in the media and the medical industries.
Vitamins account for less than 20% of your daily essential nutrients! (Essential* meaning the body requires, but does not produce it)
If you really try hard, you can consume all of your vitamins, amino acids (protein building blocks) and fatty acids from plants (produce).
This is because plants CAN make these nutrients.
They pull carbon out of the air and create carbon-chains through photosynthesis.
However, what most people do not understand is the amount of nutrients that your body can actually absorb and utilize, is solely dependent on another essential nutrient.
That cofactor comes in the form of specific minerals.
Before you overlook this statement, consider this for a moment...
Plants DO NOT make minerals of any kind!
They MUST be absorbed from the soil!
If the soil is deficient of any essential mineral, you can be certain the plant is deficient of that mineral!
It has been proven both chemically and biochemically that any living vertebrae (human or animal) requires 60 essential minerals to sustain itself!
Where as, plants only require 3... Any good farmer, or husbandry man knows that N-P-K (Nitrogen-Phosphorous-Potassium) is the only combination of minerals, necessary, for plants and vegetation to grow and produce the highest yields.
See, farmers are paid by tons and bushels. There are no incentives for them to add in minerals into their soil! These soils are overworked and overused!
The minerals are gone, and bearing a flood, they are NOT coming back!
Don't believe me? Take a look at US Senate document #264, from the 74th congress and let the evidence speak for itself. (found at the bottom of this article)
Therefore, if the minerals are not in the plants, they are not in you!
Did you know there is not a single function in your body that can take place without minerals?
That air, food, energy, vitamins, proteins, hormones and enzymes CANNOT be utilized without one or more of these mineral cofactors!?
Now, you might be supplementing with a daily multi-vitamin or multi-mineral, but understand this.
A supplement is only as good as your body's ability to absorb it!
You are not what you eat... You ARE what you absorb!
The majority of supplements today, are found in pills. These pills are toxic and poorly absorbed in our body's.
They are metallic or 'elemental' minerals, which consist essentially of ground up rocks, things like oyster shells, egg shells, dolomite, limestone, calcium carbonate, clay's of various kinds and seabed minerals.
This form is ideal for plant consumption, but when it comes to humans, their bio-availability (absorbability) is only a mere 8-12%.
This falls to 3-5% once you reach the age of 35-40+.
Chelated (key-lated) minerals are metallic, with a protein or enzyme wrapped around them, this increases their absorption by about 40%.
The idealistic mineral form is colloidal, plant derived minerals.
They are very small in particle size, roughly 7000 times smaller than a red blood cell.
Every particle is negatively charged (-) and since your intestinal lining is positively charged (+), they actually have an electrical or magnetic gradient, that concentrates these mineralsaround the lining of your intestine.
Plants convert metallic minerals from the soil, in their tissues, to colloids or colloidal form, and this is how we store them in our body.
This is also how we transplant them from storage place to site of use, in the colloidal form.
These 3 things together create 98% efficient absorption in the BODY!
It is understood that mineral deficiencies are the main limiting factor for -
  • Health
  • Athleticism
  • Stamina
  • Longevity
"You can trace every sickness, every disease and every ailment to a MINERAL deficiency" - Dr. Linus Pauling
Believe it or not, if you take proper care of yourself now, you can live to be 120-140 years of age!
Those folks you see who are over 100 should actually be the NORM, not the exception.
I'll give you a few examples so you can see what I mean:
In Eastern Pakistan there is a group of people called the Hunza's who are famous for longevity, typically living 120 to 140 years.
Next, in what is now Western Russia, there are the long living Russian Georgians made famous in the seventies by Dannon Yogurt.
South of them are the Armenians, the Abkhazians and the Azerbaijanis who were studied for 60 years because they routinely lived to be 120- 140.
In the Western Hemisphere the Vilcabamba Indians in the Andes of Ecuador, are famous for living a long time.
Then in South Eastern Peru there are the Titicaca who are famous for living to be 120-140 as well.
Even Americans can live a long life, despite what many consider to be bad diets and poor habits.
As of 2010, there were 53,364 people in the U.S. who were 100 or older.
The long-lived cultures have certain common denominators.
  • They all live in high mountain villages, that are about 8,500 to 14,000 feet in elevation.
  • They all get less than 2% of precipitation each year.
  • They don't have any rain, snow or dew. (Very dry places)
  • They get all their drinking water and all their irrigation water for their crops from what we call 'Glacial Milk.'
Glaciers in every one of those communities grind up the parent rock of those mountains, about 4 inches per year. There's can be 60 to 72 minerals in each one of these places.
The water that comes out from underneath those Glaciers isn't clear like Perrier or Evian Water. You take a glass of it and hold it up and it looks like Jersey Milk.
They have irrigated with it, year after year, crop after crop, generation after generation, for 2,500 to 5,000 years.
They have no diabetes, no heart disease, no high blood pressure, no arthritis, no osteoporosis, no cancer, no cataracts, no glaucoma, no birth defects, no jails full of drug addicts, no taxes and no DOCTORS!
Yet they live to be 120 to 140 without DIS-EASE!
Are these colloidal minerals important?
You bet your life they are important and every time you don't take them in every day you are chopping off a few hours or a few days of your life...
Every animal and human being that dies of 'natural causes' actually dies of a nutritional deficiency!
If longevity is something you would like to accomplish, you need -
90 essential nutrients in your BODY every day:
  • 60 minerals
  • 16 vitamins
  • 12 essential amino acids which are your protein building blocks
  • 2-3 essential fatty acids
If you don't have these in complete numbers and optimal amounts, over time you ARE going to get a deficiency disease.
One sentence that has killed more people than all the wars in American history... You get all the nutrition you need from the four food groups.
Information gives you the ability to make decisions with confidence.
I hope you have enjoyed my message!
By giving your body the 'proper' raw materials everyday, you'll be taking the necessary steps in living healthier and living longer.
Make the decision to take control of your personal health and longevity program today.
Just as there are many manufacturers of aspirin, there are now many manufacturers of vitamins and mineral supplements.
Be sure to get your colloidal minerals derived only from the very best organic plant source deposits.
Colloidal Minerals are the mineral source our bodies were designed to use, not ground up rocks.
All disease, aging itself and even death are caused by groups of your cells not functioning properly, not replicating efficiently, or dying off too rapidly.
In other words, if your cells are healthy than so are you!
Visit my web page at []
Learn how safeguard your health today!
If your cells are weak, not replicating properly, or dying, then you are sick, weak and/or dying.
If you have any questions or comments, please send me a message at
Kindly yours, Alicia

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Creative Ways to Incorporate Fruit Into Your Menus

By                 Expert Author Bonnie R Giller
When you think of fruit, you're probably thinking of them as a snack or dessert, but I challenge you to think again! Fruits can easily be incorporated into your everyday breakfast, and can be used to add sweetness to savory lunches and dinners. It just takes a bit of creativity. Summer is a great time to get some seasonal produce at your grocery or local farmer's market, but canned or dried fruits are also a great addition to your meals.
How Much?
The American Heart Association recommends a colorful variety of 3 - 4 servings per day. If you're using canned fruit, look for fruits canned in their own juice. A serving size is different based on the type of fruit and how it's prepared.
• 1 medium apple, peach, orange or similar individual fruit (about the size of a baseball).
• 1 cup of fresh fruit, such as melon balls, watermelon pieces, pineapple slices, etc.
• ½ cup of dried fruit, such as cranberries or raisins.
• ½ cup of fruit juice. Juice doesn't have the same nutritious extras you get with real fruit, like fiber, but it's good in a pinch. Look for packages labeled 100% juice.
Be sure to wash your fruits just before you eat them. That keeps them from spoiling before you get to enjoy them. You can also keep them in the refrigerator for a cool, refreshing bite.
Fantastic Fruit Food Ideas
Fruits are a component of a well-balanced meal, so be sure to get in your dose of fruits along with vegetables, whole grains, lean meats and low fat dairy. How can you add fruit to your meals? See my suggestions below!
• Add fruit to your favorite dry cereal. Try adding bananas, strawberries, or blueberries.
• Include fruits in your hot cereal, like oatmeal. Try adding apples, bananas or nectarines.
• Mix fruits into yogurt. Try raspberries, blueberries, cherries and melons.
• Add strawberries, pears, or pineapple to a salad of mesclun greens.
• Add dried cranberries or sliced fresh grapes to chicken salad.
• Spread nut butter on whole wheat bread and top with sliced apples.
• Puree fruits and top them over your favorite lean meat dishes as a glaze. Try apricots or mango.
• Thinly slice fruits and add them to a slaw. Try slicing apples, pineapples or pears.
• Include fruit in your next BBQ by adding them to kebabs. Try pineapple or peaches with chicken or pork.
There are infinite ways to increase your fruit intake. Get creative! Think of the meals you consume most often and find a way to incorporate a fruit you enjoy. There are no culinary mistakes when it comes to fruit!
Bonnie R. Giller helps chronic dieters and people with medical conditions like diabetes break free from diets and food rules so they can make peace with food and change their relationship with food and their bodies forever. She does this by creating a tailored solution that combines three essential ingredients: a healthy mindset, caring support and nutrition education.
Bonnie is a registered and certified dietitian nutritionist, certified diabetes educator and certified intuitive eating counselor. Learn more about Bonnie and her nutrition services at
Get your Free Guide "5 Steps to a Body You Love without Dieting" at
Author *Bonnie R Giller

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Natural Detox Diets For Long Term Health

By                   Expert Author Joel Gray

With so many chemicals in everything we eat, it is quite difficult to keep all the junk out of our systems and only eat the health stuff. The good news is that even after consuming unhealthy food, although many toxins stay in our bodies for a while, it is always possible to get rid of them. For clearer skin, increased energy, and better health overall detoxification diets are becoming increasingly popular. The idea is that these diets flush the system specifically, the liver, kidneys and colon of toxins that are received through a normal diet. Most detox diets typically last anywhere from one week to a month but for increased health overall, these diets can offer some great lifestyle advice to anyone, even those not committing to a full detox diet. Considering the number of chemicals in fast food, junk food, and even food and drink that may seem healthy, like milk for instance, toxins should be methodically flushed out of the body from time to time.
The simple but most effective way to detoxify is by drinking plenty of water. Water flushes and purifies the body of any junk inside it. A good way to test for proper hydration is by taking note of the color of your urine. Clear urine means proper hydration but more yellow urine signifies that you should drink more water. A good way to ensure proper hydration is by carrying a water bottle and drinking from it whenever you are thirsty instead of opting for unhealthy drinks. Even drinks that seem natural, like apple juice, may have preservatives and artificial sugars so sticking to water during detox is the best bet. Drinking tea, specifically green tea also has many benefits for detoxification.
Next, there is the consumption of fruits, vegetables, and natural grains. These nutrients are easily processed by the body and most detox diets include high consumption of these items. Red meats, dairy, and greasy foods should be avoided during the detox period. For protein during the diet, fish, chicken and nuts can be consumed. Green vegetables, lentils, and brown rice are also great options. Above all smoking, drugs, and the consumption of alcohol should be avoided during detoxification because these things should be considered toxins.
Although the diet itself is key, exercise is also a very important part of a detox program. When exercising, the body sweats out certain toxins that it might not otherwise expel. The increased body temperature during exercise also helps purify the body. Exercising three times a week for at least half an hour every time is enough to purify the body, but more exercise is always good. The exercise itself doesn't need to be strenuous; anything that increases heart rate and body temperature will do the job.
There are several higher-budget options for detoxification as well, such as detox drinks and "internal body cleansers" but the tips above work just as well, if not better. The idea of the diet is simply to keep additional toxins out while flushing the body of anything harmful that already exists inside it. If detox diets are done regularly, the dieter will find himself or herself with increased energy, long term health benefits, and clearer skin.
Discover the advantages of living a healthy lifestyle and see the benefits that a well balanced diet can do for you. For more information about weight loss, healthy living, getting the proper diet and exercise and other usefull health tips go to: Health Tips 101
Go to Health Tips For Women to get healthy diet, exercise and beauty tips that you can use, for today's health minded women!

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Healthy Living - Make Cooking at Home Part of Your Lifestyle

By                  Expert Author Beverleigh H Piepers

Most health problems today are primarily a result of indiscretion: most illnesses are self-inflicted. Not always of course, but it is predominantly the case we are at fault, and we could have done much better.
Nutrition is a big part of it. What we put into our body matters a lot more than you may think. Food is more than just fuel. However, even on that note, think about it this way. If you owned a luxury car like a Bentley or a Ferrari, would you opt for a "low-grade" fuel? You need to treat yourself as you deserve, and it is the very best. Not only should you eat well, but you need to cook a majority of the time also. Do both at once...
1. Make cooking convenient. Perhaps your reason for not preparing your meals is a lack of time or practice. The second is easily solved - cook more often! There is no better day than today for getting started: millions of recipes are at your fingertips - one search away.
A lack of time can be a barrier, and this is why you need to make cooking convenient. Cook a few times a week but make large portions to cover several meals. Or cook regularly, but make simple, healthy meals. Save the more elaborate dishes for the weekend.
If it helps, treat yourself to new kitchen tools: anything that makes cooking more practical for you.
2. Make cooking enjoyable. Cooking does not have to feel like a chore...
  • have music playing in the background or listen to a podcast.
  • try some new recipes.
Shorten your cooking time by perfecting your favorite dish - if you take 30 seconds less each time, it will add up. Anything much longer than 30 minutes on a weeknight will make many people averse to cooking. However, if you find you can prepare a meal in 20 minutes or less, you will enjoy it because you will be looking forward to eating a meal you are sure to like - well most of the time.
Do the above, and you will quickly make cooking a habit. It is a habit that pays for itself - the time you invest will earn you dividends in the form of better health. Even if you are not always preparing perfectly healthy meals, chances are you will be doing better than throwing pre-made food in the oven or microwave.
Take pride in preparing and cooking your meals. Invest more in this essential life skill. As long as you are not engaging in bad habits too often - like snacking or being completely sedentary, the difference it makes will be positive. It will help you prevent common health problems and improve your health and in turn, live a healthier life.
Although managing your disease can be very challenging, Type 2 diabetes is not a condition you must just live with. You can make simple changes to your daily routine and lower both your weight and your blood sugar levels. Hang in there, the longer you do it, the easier it gets.
For nearly 25 years Beverleigh Piepers has searched for and found a number of secrets to help you build a healthy body. Go to to learn about some of those secrets.
The answer isn't in the endless volumes of available information but in yourself.

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Are The Latest Faux Beef Burgers Healthier?


Veggie burgers have been around for many decades and they generally cater to vegetarians and vegans who do not want to have any kind of meat. Such burgers may be made from ingredients like grains, beans (especially soybeans and tofu), nuts, seeds, or mushrooms. When it comes to taste and texture, veggie burgers seldom get the attention nor the rave reviews.
Then in 2019, plant-based meats suddenly sprang into the limelight. Two companies, Beyond Meat and Impossible Foods, introduced faux beef burgers that look and taste like beef. Also, young people prefer to eat less meat because they are concerned about the environmental impact of industrial animal agriculture.
More and more companies are making meatless meat tastes like meat. New brands of faux meats are cropping up across the market. Consumers are faced with more choices and decisions than ever before. Are the faux meats really healthier and better for the environment?
The following will look into the two most popular faux meat options on the market, Beyond Burger from Beyond Meat and Impossible Burger from Impossible Foods, and how they stack up with a grass-fed beef burger. Conventional beef burgers using meats from concentrated animal feeding operations is not recommended because of their inhumane growing methods, destruction to the environment, and use of antibiotics, hormones, and GMO feed.
Company Background
Beyond Meat
  • The company was started in 2009 by Ethan Brown to lessen humans' reliance on livestock as a source of protein. Its stated core mission is to improve human health, have a positive impact on climate change, address global resource constraints, and improve animal welfare.
  • Beyond Meat has several plant-based products, including burger, ground meat, sausage, and crumbles.
  • The company had its IPO on May 2, 2019 at $25 and its share price shot up to almost $240 within 2-3 months. The share price has since come off from its peak but the company still commands a market capitalization of around $10 billion.
  • Beyond Meat is sold in grocery stores (such as Kroger, Safeway, Sprouts, and Whole Foods) and available in many fast-food chains (like Del Taco, A&W, Carl's Jr., and Tim Hortons), restaurants, hotels, and universities.
Impossible Foods
  • The company was founded in 2011 by Stanford biochemistry professor, Patrick O. Brown, M.D., Ph.D., who is driven by the desire to end the use of animals to make food and to make the global food system truly sustainable.
  • He spent years trying to understand everything people love about meat - from its sizzle and smell to its taste and nutrition. After several years of development, the first Impossible Burger was released in July 2016. In 2019, the company changed its formula and debuted a new Impossible Burger with new ingredients, which it claims to be tastier, juicer, and more nutritious.
  • The company intends to introduce other meats, dairy, and fish in the future - all from plants.
  • Impossible Foods is still a private company but with the latest round of funding in early 2019, the company is now valued at $2 billion.
  • Impossible Burgers are available in fast-food chains (such as Burger King) and many restaurants. It will soon be on sale in grocery stores as well.
Beyond Burger ingredients:
Water, Pea Protein Isolate, Expeller-Pressed Canola Oil, Refined Coconut Oil, Rice Protein, Natural Flavors, Cocoa Butter, Mung Bean Protein, Methylcellulose, Potato Starch, Apple Extract, Salt, Potassium Chloride, Vinegar, Lemon Juice Concentrate, Sunflower Lecithin, Pomegranate Fruit Powder, Beet Juice Extract (for color).
Impossible Burger ingredients:
Water, Soy Protein Concentrate, Coconut Oil, Sunflower Oil, Natural Flavors, 2% or less of: Potato Protein, Methylcellulose, Yeast Extract, Cultured Dextrose, Food Starch Modified, Soy Leghemoglobin, Salt, Soy Protein Isolate, Mixed Tocopherols (Vitamin E), Zinc Gluconate, Thiamine Hydrochloride (Vitamin B1), Sodium Ascorbate (Vitamin C), Niacin, Pyridoxine Hydrochloride (Vitamin B6), Riboflavin (Vitamin B2), Vitamin B12.
  • The major difference between the two faux meat brands is the source of protein. Beyond Meat uses pea, rice, and mung bean proteins, whereas Impossible Burgers are made from a blend of soy and potato proteins. All these are processed proteins vs natural, unprocessed protein from real beef.
  • Beyond Burger contains beet juice which gives the burger a red color, imitating rare beef. Impossible Burger consists of heme, an iron-containing molecule found in all plants and animals. Heme is what makes our blood red and allows our blood the ability to carry oxygen. This ingredient gives the Impossible Burger a meaty flavor and makes it "bleed".
  • Beyond Burger uses canola and coconut oils while Impossible Burger uses coconut and sunflower oils. Coconut oil is a healthy oil but canola and sunflower oils are not. They are higher in omega-6 fats, which are inflammatory for our bodies.
  • Both faux beef burgers contain quite a bit of sodium. Beyond Meat has 390 mg and Impossible Burger has 370 mg. A grass-fed beef burger has only 76 mg.
  • Both burgers include a number of additives. Apart from water, Beyond Burger has 17 ingredients and Impossible Burger has 12. A grass-fed beef burger has only one ingredient- beef. Impossible Burger is fortified with some vitamins (B, C, and E) and the mineral zinc, whereas grass-fed beef naturally contains omega-3 fats, conjugated linoleic acid, vitamins, and minerals.
  • Both faux beef burgers are vegan. Beyond Burger is non-GMO. Impossible Burger is Halal and Kosher but it contains GMO ingredients and used animal testing to evaluate the safety of its product.
Major Concerns
Genetic Engineering
Impossible Foods considers itself as a food technology company. Its approach is to look at proteins, textures, and flavors at a molecular level and find plant ingredients that behave the same way. They found that heme is the magic ingredient that makes meat taste like meat.
By using the heme-containing protein from the roots of soy plants called soy leghemoglobin, scientists at the company took the DNA from soy plants and inserted it into a genetically engineered yeast. The yeast went through fermentation, multiplied, and produced a lot of heme, the key ingredient that makes the burger "bleed".
Impossible Foods claims that its genetically-modified burger is not toxic and safe to eat, based on the company's rat feeding study. However, there are major concerns:-
  • Glyphosate load. 93% of the soy grown in the U.S. is genetically modified. GM soy is loaded with glyphosate, the main ingredient in the herbicide Roundup. Recent court cases have demonstrated that glyphosate is a cancer-causing carcinogen. The consumer advocacy group Moms Across America revealed that recent testing by Health Research Institute Laboratories showed concerning levels of glyphosate in the Impossible Burger - it contained 11.3 ppb of glyphosate (Beyond Burger was 1 ppb). In rats, just 0.1 ppb of glyphosate has been shown to alter the gene function of over 4,000 genes in the livers and kidneys and cause severe organ damage.
  • Environmentally unsustainable. Glyphosate herbicide is extensively sprayed on GMO soy and corn crops that are commonly used for animal feed, which harms the health of animals, not to mention the humans who consume them. It has also decimated many bee colonies and almost 90% of the monarch butterflies and created super weeds that require even more toxic chemicals to control. The founder of Impossible Foods wanted to create a truly sustainable global food system. By opting to use GMO soy as a major ingredient and indirectly supporting the use of glyphosate, the company's business model does not contribute to a sustainable environment at all.
  • Allergy from GM ingredients. The GM ingredients of the Impossible Burger, which includes a GM yeast and GM soy leghemoglobin proteins, may cause allergic reactions in susceptible individuals. These ingredients have never appeared in the human food supply before and have not been properly safety tested for long-term consumption.
Processed Foods With Additives
Both faux beef burgers contain processed protein with many additives. These burgers are created in a lab made from plant products and additives designed to emulate the taste and texture of real beef. Therefore, they cannot be considered as wholesome, real food.
Which Tastes Better?
The general opinion is that the Impossible Burger definitely tastes and looks more like beef, probably to the point that it can gross out the vegans. It charrs on the outside, has a pink center and is juicy.
The Beyond Burger has more of a coconut aftertaste and is not as beefy. The patty is a little bit spongier and the flavor of different veggie proteins is more apparent. The meat does not bleed or has the same kind of juiciness. It has the same consistency and flavor throughout despite being cooked on a grill.
Which Is Better For You And The Environment?
Impossible Burger
  • Contains GMO ingredients and has a high glyphosate load.
  • GMOs and the toxic chemicals used along with them pose a serious threat to the environment as well as our health.
  • GMO soy is a monoculture crop. Its agricultural model works against nature and depletes nutrients in the soil.
  • The company's soy-based burger is still a carbon emitter. According to the World Food LCA (Life Cycle Assessment) Database, soybean has a footprint of 2 kg of carbon for every kg of food produced.
Beyond Burger
  • Has better ingredients than the Impossible Burger but it is still processed food with many additives.
  • The company's pea protein burger is even a bigger carbon emitter. It produces 4 kg of carbon for every kg of food it produces.
Grass-Fed Beef Burger
  • Unless one is absolutely against eating meat, the grass-fed beef burger is still the healthiest option.
  • In terms of calories, the grass-fed beef burger is similar to the two faux beef burgers.
  • It has about the same amount of fat but the fat also contains omega-3 and conjugated linoleum acid, which have many health benefits.
  • It has substantially less sodium than the faux beef burgers.
  • According to a study done by Quantis, a global environmental consulting firm, the carbon emission of a small, truly regenerative and humane farm (White Oaks Pastures was used in this study) is negative 3.5 kg for each kg of fresh meat. Regenerative grazing allows for optimal resting time of the land to prevent overgrazing and enables regeneration of degraded land. This regenerative system effectively captures soil carbon, offsetting a majority of the emissions related to beef production. (For reference, the carbon footprint of conventional beef is 33 kg for each kg of fresh meat.)
In conclusion, the notion to have less meat and eat a more plant-based diet is a great one. However, this does not equate to eating more processed plant-based foods. One should instead focus on adding more fresh vegetables of different colors to the daily diet. If you are not a vegan, your source of protein should come from grass-fed animals and wild-caught seafood.
Food is life. Food holds the potential for both health and disease, depending on how it is grown and processed. As Hippocrates, the "Father of Medicine", said "Let food be thy medicine'.
Carol Chuang is a Certified Nutrition Specialist. She has a Masters degree in Nutrition and is a Certified Gluten Practitioner. She specializes in Metabolic Typing and Functional Diagnostic Nutrition.

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Friday, January 10, 2020

How Will You Be A Better FRIEND, To You?

By              Expert Author Richard Brody

How will you ever, be able to help anyone else, unless/ until, you, become, your own best FRIEND? While this may seem, basic, or make common sense, far too often, we proceed through life, taking actions, or proceeding along a path or course, which is counter - to, our personal best interests, and well - being! If you treated yourself, as you try to treat others, wouldn't you be better off? Whatever the mind of man can perceive and conceive, he can achieve! With that in mind, this article will attempt to, briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss, using the mnemonic approach, what this means and represents, and why, doing so, will make you a better, happier, and more fulfilled individual.
1. Face facts; finesse; figure; fruition; future: Avoid the temptation to lie, to yourself, and face the facts, clearly, and carefully! Go beyond the surface, and proceed, with the degree of finesse, which helps you figure, yourself - out, and bring about the set of events, which will bring your finest future, to fruition!
2. Relevant; rationale; rational; responsive: The better you learn to know, and understand yourself, and your needs, priorities, goals, and perceptions, the more relevant, your behavior, might be, in a responsive, beneficial manner! Give yourself a check - up, from the neck - up, and fully examine your rationale, and whether, it serves you well, and is the most rational approach!
3. Integrity; ideas; imagination; innovate; inspiring: Be honest with yourself, because unless you proceed with the utmost degree of genuine integrity, you will never address, pursuing the ideas, which become personally, inspiring and motivating! Become an ideas - oriented individual, and delve deeply, with a relevant imagination, and become capable, and ready, to innovate, in a personally beneficial manner!
4. Efforts; excellence; energy/ energize: How do you know, if your efforts, are focused, in a beneficial way? Will you demand your utmost degree of genuine, personal excellence, instead of settling for good - enough? How will you energize yourself, in the most positive, productive way, so you proceed, with a higher degree of personal energy, and self - confidence?
5. Needs: When was the last time, you took the time, to examine, and fully consider, your personal needs, goals, priorities, and perceptions, and proceed, in the most productive manner?
6. Delve deeply; discover: Go beyond the surface, and delve deeply, into the potential options, available, in order to discover, the best course, for you to take!
Are you ready, willing, and able, to proceed, on a path, which most benefits you? If you don't help yourself, no one else will!
Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, Director of Development, consultant, professionally run events, consulted to thousands, and conducted personal development seminars, for 4 decades. Rich has written three books and thousands of articles. Website: and LIKE the Facebook page for alternative health:

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Getting To Know Yourself Better: 5 Steps

By   |   Expert Author Richard Brody
One of the challenges, to effectively, using the basics of self - help, is, there is no such thing, as, one - size - fits - all, when it comes to doing so! It's important to try to really, get to know yourself, in an accurate, comprehensive, objective, introspective manner! Unfortunately, many people, either, lie, to themselves, are in - denial, try to keep up, with the Joneses, etc, instead of taking the time, and making a concerted effort, to make themselves, better, and, as good, as they can become. With that in mind, this article will attempt to, briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss, a 5 - step, approach, to becoming, more capable, of, truly, knowing yourself.
1. Objective introspection: It takes time, and considerable effort, and commitment, to give yourself, a thorough, check - up, from the neck - up, using objective introspection. Perhaps, that's a contributing factor, to, why, so few people, do so! Will you be objective, and honest, with yourself, examining your strengths, and weaknesses, or, will you, lie, to yourself? How introspective, are you, ready, willing, and able, to be?
2. Personal strengths and weaknesses: Getting to know yourself, means, knowing, and understanding, thoroughly, your personal strengths, and weaknesses, and discovering, the best path, forward, to effectively, use areas of strength, and address any, and all, weaknesses! How can you improve, unless you begin, this way?
3. Degree of self - confidence: How self - confident are you, and why? Do you believe, you can, or can't? When obstacles, arrive, do you perceive these, as challenges, to overcome, or, debilitating, problems? You can think you can, or can't. Either way, you'll be correct!
4. Do you really, want, to help yourself?: People don't plan to fail, they fail to plan. Is that, really, so? It often seems, the fear of success, for many, far exceeds, their fears of failing! Self - discipline, in a proactive way, is a necessity, of becoming better, stronger, and feeling better, about your own existence!
5. Proactive, versus, procrastination: Although, procrastination, almost never, is productive, or achieves anything, many, proceed along that course, and put off, until tomorrow, things, they, really, should have done, yesterday! The best way to know yourself, and become the best, you can be, is to proceed, proactively, and put - yourself - first!
Getting to know yourself is helpful, necessary, and wise, yet, very few, seem, ready, willing, and/ or, able, to take the steps, needed! Are you, up to the task?
Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, Director of Development, consultant, professionally run events, consulted to thousands, and conducted personal development seminars, for 4 decades. Rich has written three books and thousands of articles. Website: and LIKE the Facebook page for alternative health:

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What Everyone Needs to Know about Personal Vibration.

September 24, 2016

The term “personal vibration” can be very misleading.

The word vibration conjures up a sense of something moving, shaking and shifting, and it can be hard to conceptualize how we each personally have something called a vibration going on inside of us.
This is especially difficult because we live in such a thinking culture.
A sign of being intelligent is that we are able to analyze, be critical and have an opinion about things.  learn more here>>>

Third Eye Guide – What is the Third Eye?

Everyone has access to his or her third eye. For example, when you have a hunch and act on it, you’ve used your third eye. But that’s only the beginning. Your third eye is a sense, one you can develop to be more refined and accurate than just being a hunch.

What is the Third Eye?

The third eye is rooted in the pineal gland. While the pineal gland might be the focal point for the sixth sense, the third eye is actually much more than just training yourself to connect to the pineal gland.
The Third Eye is a natural part of every person. One way to think of it is as a “meta” organ that consists of your mind and all of your senses working together as a larger, more powerful sensory organ that the pineal gland then acts as a focal point to create a vision. The Third Eye is a very clever bit of natural evolution that allows you to see the patterns in your life. Even more amazing, your third eye can reveal these patterns to you by overlaying this information on top of your other senses.