Friday, January 10, 2020

How Will You Be A Better FRIEND, To You?

By              Expert Author Richard Brody

How will you ever, be able to help anyone else, unless/ until, you, become, your own best FRIEND? While this may seem, basic, or make common sense, far too often, we proceed through life, taking actions, or proceeding along a path or course, which is counter - to, our personal best interests, and well - being! If you treated yourself, as you try to treat others, wouldn't you be better off? Whatever the mind of man can perceive and conceive, he can achieve! With that in mind, this article will attempt to, briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss, using the mnemonic approach, what this means and represents, and why, doing so, will make you a better, happier, and more fulfilled individual.
1. Face facts; finesse; figure; fruition; future: Avoid the temptation to lie, to yourself, and face the facts, clearly, and carefully! Go beyond the surface, and proceed, with the degree of finesse, which helps you figure, yourself - out, and bring about the set of events, which will bring your finest future, to fruition!
2. Relevant; rationale; rational; responsive: The better you learn to know, and understand yourself, and your needs, priorities, goals, and perceptions, the more relevant, your behavior, might be, in a responsive, beneficial manner! Give yourself a check - up, from the neck - up, and fully examine your rationale, and whether, it serves you well, and is the most rational approach!
3. Integrity; ideas; imagination; innovate; inspiring: Be honest with yourself, because unless you proceed with the utmost degree of genuine integrity, you will never address, pursuing the ideas, which become personally, inspiring and motivating! Become an ideas - oriented individual, and delve deeply, with a relevant imagination, and become capable, and ready, to innovate, in a personally beneficial manner!
4. Efforts; excellence; energy/ energize: How do you know, if your efforts, are focused, in a beneficial way? Will you demand your utmost degree of genuine, personal excellence, instead of settling for good - enough? How will you energize yourself, in the most positive, productive way, so you proceed, with a higher degree of personal energy, and self - confidence?
5. Needs: When was the last time, you took the time, to examine, and fully consider, your personal needs, goals, priorities, and perceptions, and proceed, in the most productive manner?
6. Delve deeply; discover: Go beyond the surface, and delve deeply, into the potential options, available, in order to discover, the best course, for you to take!
Are you ready, willing, and able, to proceed, on a path, which most benefits you? If you don't help yourself, no one else will!
Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, Director of Development, consultant, professionally run events, consulted to thousands, and conducted personal development seminars, for 4 decades. Rich has written three books and thousands of articles. Website: and LIKE the Facebook page for alternative health:

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