Friday, January 10, 2020

Getting To Know Yourself Better: 5 Steps

By   |   Expert Author Richard Brody
One of the challenges, to effectively, using the basics of self - help, is, there is no such thing, as, one - size - fits - all, when it comes to doing so! It's important to try to really, get to know yourself, in an accurate, comprehensive, objective, introspective manner! Unfortunately, many people, either, lie, to themselves, are in - denial, try to keep up, with the Joneses, etc, instead of taking the time, and making a concerted effort, to make themselves, better, and, as good, as they can become. With that in mind, this article will attempt to, briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss, a 5 - step, approach, to becoming, more capable, of, truly, knowing yourself.
1. Objective introspection: It takes time, and considerable effort, and commitment, to give yourself, a thorough, check - up, from the neck - up, using objective introspection. Perhaps, that's a contributing factor, to, why, so few people, do so! Will you be objective, and honest, with yourself, examining your strengths, and weaknesses, or, will you, lie, to yourself? How introspective, are you, ready, willing, and able, to be?
2. Personal strengths and weaknesses: Getting to know yourself, means, knowing, and understanding, thoroughly, your personal strengths, and weaknesses, and discovering, the best path, forward, to effectively, use areas of strength, and address any, and all, weaknesses! How can you improve, unless you begin, this way?
3. Degree of self - confidence: How self - confident are you, and why? Do you believe, you can, or can't? When obstacles, arrive, do you perceive these, as challenges, to overcome, or, debilitating, problems? You can think you can, or can't. Either way, you'll be correct!
4. Do you really, want, to help yourself?: People don't plan to fail, they fail to plan. Is that, really, so? It often seems, the fear of success, for many, far exceeds, their fears of failing! Self - discipline, in a proactive way, is a necessity, of becoming better, stronger, and feeling better, about your own existence!
5. Proactive, versus, procrastination: Although, procrastination, almost never, is productive, or achieves anything, many, proceed along that course, and put off, until tomorrow, things, they, really, should have done, yesterday! The best way to know yourself, and become the best, you can be, is to proceed, proactively, and put - yourself - first!
Getting to know yourself is helpful, necessary, and wise, yet, very few, seem, ready, willing, and/ or, able, to take the steps, needed! Are you, up to the task?
Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, Director of Development, consultant, professionally run events, consulted to thousands, and conducted personal development seminars, for 4 decades. Rich has written three books and thousands of articles. Website: and LIKE the Facebook page for alternative health:

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