Saturday, August 31, 2019

Why I Believe In Acupuncture?

By       Expert Author Richard Brody

My first exposure to acupuncture, was in the 1970's, when I observed, at a hospital, in New York City, a demonstration, of using acupuncture, as a primary anesthetic, instead of drugs, chemicals, gas, or any of the usual methods, This amazed me, because, there appeared to be no pain or discomfort, during the procedure, and was, obviously, somewhat safer, and non - invasive, than other approaches. This experience opened, my mind, to learn more about acupuncture, and how it might have benefits, in a variety of circumstances, and conditions. More than a decade, later, I was experience spasms, in my jaw, apparently, after oral surgery, because, I have a small mouth, and the stretching, created, a reaction or trisma. After a few days, we were in New York's, Chinatown, and I noticed, a sign, behind a Chinese Herb shop, for an acupuncturist, on the premises. I felt, I should try it, because I believed, either it would benefit me, or, at the very least, there would be, no detrimental, side - effects. Less than an hour later, my discomfort was permanently, relieved!
1. Shoulder/ knee/ lower back discomfort/ pain: After decades of athletics, and other use, I experienced significant shoulder pain and discomfort. I went to an Orthopedist, who stated, the cartilage, was reduced, and there was a degree of bone - on - bone, rubbing, etc. He explained the challenges of shoulder surgery, and stated, I might benefit from a cortisone shot. Unfortunately, the shot did not help, and the discomfort continued. Someone told me, about a great acupuncturist, in my town, and, so, I made an appointment. For the last several years, I have gone, approximately, fifteen, to twenty times, to this doctor, and, found a considerable amount of relief, from the treatments. While the underlying cause of the issue, including arthritis, and excess use, remained, the treatments appeared to reduce the inflammation, and, for two, to three weeks, at a time, are extremely beneficial, to me. When I've experienced discomfort/ pain, in my knees, and/ or lower back, these treatments have been quite helpful, etc.
2. Weight management: While I have not used acupuncture for weight management, I have come into contact, with many individuals, who have.
3. Stress/ tension: I have observed, numerous successful treatments, with those, using acupuncture, to relieve their stress, and tensions, in a non - invasive, non - drug, manner.
If we open, our minds, to the benefits of age - old, successful treatments, such as acupuncture, many illnesses and challenges, might be addressed, successfully, in a safe, reliable way. The more, we know, and examine, alternatives, the better off, we all might be, from a health - perspective!
Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, Director of Development, consultant, professionally run events, consulted to thousands, conducted personal development seminars, for 4 decades, and been involved, with alternative health, for generations. Rich has written three books and thousands of articles. Website: and LIKE the Facebook page for alternative medicine:

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