Monday, October 7, 2019

How to Create Your Own High-Intensity Workout Plan

Written by Alice Oglethorpe on August 18, 2015    

High-intensity workouts are popular for a reason: They work.Trusted Source So it’s not surprising that more and more CrossFit gyms—packed with shirtless men and kick-butt women tearing through intense workouts—are popping up every day. But what is it about this training style that makes it so effective? Or perhaps a better first question: How specifically is CrossFit different from other popular, challenging workouts? The answer’s not immediately obvious.
“It’s easy to confuse CrossFit-style workouts with traditional bootcamp classes,” says Erica Giovinazzo, Greatist Expert and CrossFit coach at Brick New York. “But while both incorporate some similar elements like Tabatas and bodyweight exercises, CrossFit also includes gymnastics moves and Olympic lifting. In fact, many WODs begin with a straight strength training portion where athletes work on back squats or clean and jerks before moving on to the conditioning part.” Another point of difference: In CrossFit every workout is tracked, making it easy to see if that front squat weight is a new personal best or if a specific WOD was completed faster than ever.  read more>>>;postID=5085345817555234866

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