Sunday, December 8, 2019

Why You Must Learn From Your ACHES?

By               Expert Author Richard Brody

Since, most of us, experience ACHES, and pains, at some point(s), wouldn't it make more sense, to ensure, we learned from these, and used these experiences, to optimize our chances of living a healthier, happier life? One of the keys, to being, as happy, and healthy, as possible, is paying keen attention, to our own bodies, and proceed with an open - mind, in order to consider, and evaluate, how to best proceed. With that in mind, this article will attempt to, briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss, using the mnemonic approach, why this matters, and how, doing so, may provide a better existence.
1. Attitude; aptitude; attention: Proceed with an open - mind, in order to consider, every viable alternative, in terms of your health and well - being! Only, when one possesses, and utilizes, a true, positive, can - do, attitude, in a realistic way, and, in consultation with trusted health professionals, will this be beneficial! One must commit to studying, and developing the finest, relevant, aptitude, and skill - set, and a willingness, to consistently, pay keen attention, to achieve the most desirable objective!
2. Consider/ consideration; care; character: Fully consider each ache, and, find out, if it is simply, a short - term, temporary strain and inconvenience, or, something, more serious, and chronic! These considerations must lead you, to get the needed attention, and care, in a timely manner! One's quality of character, often, determines, whether he consistently, served his personal, best - interests!
3. Healing; head/ heart: Focus on your personal healing, and how long, it takes, to recover, from the onset of these ailments! Are they acute, and short - lived, often created by stresses, and/ or, over - use. or, are they chronic? Use the finest components of both, your logical and emotional, being, in a head/ heart balance!
4. Energy; emphasis; endure; excellence: When you maximize your personal, positive energy, and place your emphasis, on enhancing your personal excellence, in an enduring manner, you will generally benefit!
5. Solutions; strengthening: What might you do, to strengthen, your overall health, and possibilities? Will you focus on learning, what your body, tells you, and seeking the most viable solutions?
Our everyday, ACHES and pains, may, either, be, beneficial to you, in the longer - term, or, merely discomforts and inconveniences! Are you ready, to be, the happiest, healthiest person, you might possibly be?
Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, Director of Development, consultant, professionally run events, consulted to thousands, and conducted personal development seminars, for 4 decades. Rich has written three books and thousands of articles. Website: and LIKE the Facebook page for alternative health:

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